Dhata Tech is a Singapore headquartered IT Automation Company. We work with enterprises to leverage AI/ ML to streamline their IT operations, reduce costs, risks, and improve efficiency.
The current way of managing IT Operations is manual, effort-consuming, expensive, and reactive. This leads to revenue & profit loss, bad customer experience, and huge reputation loss to companies. Organizations are hugely dependent on IT. An IT system going down or having a problem could bring business to a standstill and cause major panic. As per Gartner, global IT spending expected for 2024 is USD 5T, an 8.8% growth over 2023 spending. Around 25% of this is towards IT Operations (>USD 1.2 T).
Dhata Tech automates different aspects of IT Operations to embark on a journey to make IT Operations autonomous. This is done by capturing the health data available from various IT systems, correlating with an AI/ ML engine, and deriving predictive analytics leading to predicting the incidents before they happen. The objective is to prevent the incidents from occurring or auto-resolve. If incidents happen, then the analytics helps in detecting the root cause in a shorter time, thus leading to faster resolution.
Dhata attempts to simplify the complexity existing in Technology for business by bringing in automation in the delivery of IT services by leveraging technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Analytics and Cloud.
We are focused on select markets in Asia – Singapore, Hong Kong, Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
Dhata Tech is formed by leaders from the Tech Industry, who understand this domain well and believe in driving this change. It will act as a trusted advisor for selecting the right components, orchestrate them optimally and implement effectively for its customers.
Technology has become central to our lives and to all businesses. We, as consumers of Technology, have seen its evolution and continued increase of our dependence on them. One of the reasons, the adoption has been splendid, is because it is super easy to use. Many gadgets or apps do not even need a user manual as they have become so intuitive.
The same individuals, when they consume the Technology for businesses feel unhappy about the setup, complexity, difficulty in managing, and its sluggishness to respond to dynamic business needs. This becomes even more critical as Information Technology is no more a support function but driving all aspects of business – growth, profitability, customer experience, risk et al.
Dhata attempts to simplify this complexity by bringing in automation in IT Operations by leveraging Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning. While the primary purpose of IT Services is to automate different business processes, the approach to delivery is still quite manual. Dhata strives to accelerate the automation of IT Operations to help organizations towards a journey of making IT autonomous.
Dhata is making investments, both in automation tools and the experts, who can blend human and technology for better business outcomes. Over the last few years, many companies have built automation components and Dhata will create an ecosystem of partners to ensure cutting edge tech does not have to be re-invented every time it is needed. Dhata is formed by leaders from the Tech Industry, who understand this domain well and believe in driving this change. Dhata will act as a trusted advisor for selecting the right components, orchestrate them optimally and implement effectively for its customers.
Just the way factories had machines first and then the machines went through continuous automations from time to time changing the proportion of contribution by human and machine, the same way Dhata aspires to create a highly modern and automated factory to provide IT services
Dhata also sounds like Data, with an additional “h” symbolizing harmony, thus ‘Dhata Tech’ represents ‘Harmonizing Data and Technology’. Data and Technology are interdependent while continuously being catalyst to each other, thus enhancing the value for businesses